support (v.):
to hold up, sustain, bring up, bring forward; to give aid or courage to
thank you for being here!
whether we are connected through coaching, yoga, instagram, blog, podcast, or friendship, i am so grateful for your continued belief and engagement in my work. if you feel moved to uplift my commitment to liberation and radical love, there are four ways i find most supportive:
might you…
+ scroll down to the bottom of this page and join my email community to stay in touch and connect through my courses and offerings
+ contribute a one time amount that feels good to you via Venmo. you can find me @cathbradley-1
+ recommend and share my work with your loved ones. friends and clients connect me with the most incredible people. word of mouth is how i have and long to continue to grow my practice
+ leave a testimonial, comment, or love note in the space below for me to share with our growing community.
thanks, and big big love to you!